Fast Travel From Quest Hubs

The game has a lot of quest hubs, and you do a lot of traveling to and from while playing. For some of these hubs, it’s a single load screen to get in, and another to get out. For others, you load the exterior, load the interior, pick up or turn in a quest, load the exterior again, and then load another exterior as you travel away. Plus another one or two load screens if you’re jumping between The Commonwealth and Far Harbor or Nuka World. With this mod, you can jump straight to and from the quest hub interiors. For slower machines and graphics-heavy load orders, that’s a lot of load time you save.
- Adds fast travel markers for the interiors of Cambridge Police Department, The Prydwen, Acadia, and The Nucleus.
- Adjusts the fast travel markers for Fizztop Mountain and The Parlor to point inside the locations.
- Enables the new fast travel markers once you’ve proceeded far enough in the relevant faction’s quests.
- Enables fast travel from inside faction locations once you’re far enough in their quest lines.
- Disables the new fast travel markers when you become enemies with the faction in question. (This does not disable the markers for Fizztop Mountain or The Parlor.)
- Disables fast travel from the relevant interiors when you become enemies with a faction.

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