Random Encounter Framework

A simple framework that allows mod authors to safely use the base game’s random encounter story manager.
It’s been seven years since the game came out, and we’re still running the original hundred or so random encounters in nearly every mod loadout. Why? Because the game’s random encounter system isn’t really compatible with modding. Sure, a few people have implemented their own themed random encounter setups, usually by sidestepping the system entirely. But that’s big, it’s complicated, and it’s a hassle. It doesn’t need to be.
- Reorganizes the random encounter trees within the game’s Story Manager so that they’re properly compatible with modding.
- As a result of the above, moderately reduced how common the Nuka World and Automatron random encounters are in the commonwealth.
Download it now at nexusmods: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/60074