We Can Live In – North Point Park

You’ve found an nice island park, complete with natural moat and bridges. But it doesn’t show up on your map, and it certainly isn’t someplace you can build. Now, however, it is a fully functional settlement ready and waiting for you.
- A fully functional settlement at an unmarked island south of Bunker Hill.
- A new map marker for the new settlement.
- This settlement is compatible with radiant quests, such as the minutemen quests.
- Precombines have been rebuilt to allow more scrapping.
- The vertibird crash from The Nuclear Option has been moved to an appropriate nearby location.
- Flagged as a light plugin (esl-flagged esp) for minimal impact on load order.

Download it now at nexusmods.com: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/70410